Now is your time. Seize it! Private Personal Training in Cleveland, Ohio.

Make Your Move today.

It all begins with your first move. Maybe you want to be stronger or maybe you just want to move with less pain. Perhaps you need some accountability to achieve your goals. Regardless of your need the search for a personal trainer is over. Get your own customized strength-training program at Train Proper, in Cleveland, OH.

1-on-1 fully private personal training located at 1340 W. 65th Street.

In gordon square.

Train Proper

Check out our personal training studio in the heart of Gordon Square. We are a private studio performing all 1-on-1 personal training sessions by appointment only. Sessions are forty-five minutes. Very hands on, technique driven sessions. Not your typical chain gym workout.

Pump up Your weight-loss or sTRENGTH TRAINING

Now there is a certified private personal trainer solution in Cleveland, Ohio, located in the heart of Gordon Square. Check us out at 1340 W. 65th Street. Also visit our Insta page. “ Train Proper”

(216) 971-2339

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